Sighthound Lure Coursing Competition „Twin Cup“ |
Sighthound Lure Coursing Competition „Twin Cup“ Estonian Kennel Union and Estonian Sighthound Union as well as Latvian Kennel Club and Latvian Sighthound Club have agreed in the arrangement and conditions of "Twin Cup" competition as follows: - Twin Cup competition is held once every year. - The competition contains of two separate sighthound lure coursing competitions in the same weekend. The first one is held in Latvia and the second in Estonia. Organizer of the competition in Estonia is Eesti Hurtade Liit and in Latvia Latvias Kurtu Klubs. Both of the competitions will be held according to the national rules of the country where competition is held. Both of the competitions are marked to the competition calendar of the respective country and are at least at the level of national competition competing for lure coursing certificate. - The protocols of the first day of competition in Latvia (signed by the head judge of that competition) will immediately after the competition be given to the secretary of the second days of the event in Estonia. - On both of the days, at least one of the judges needs to be from a country other than the one organizing that competition (on Saturday when competition is held in Latvia, at least one of the judges is not from Latvia and on Sunday when competition is held in Estonia, at least one of the judges is not from Estonia). - The points of both days will be calculated and added together. The title will be nominated to the dog who: 1) In its competition class/breed has got the biggest total score of points AND 2) has got certificate quality score from both days AND 3) the minimum of 4 dogs were competing in its class/breed at both of the days. - After the second day of competiton, Estonian Sighthound Club will present the results and awarded titles to Estonian Kennel Club for registration. - Owner of the dog who won the title, has the right to add the title Twin Cup and the year of when it was won (Twin Cup-14) in front of the dog’s name. The winners award jacket is purple, the title and the year is written in silver or white |