Dogs have always been honoured in Estonia. The sighthounds history in Estonia is nearly half a century long, but we hope it will last long - you can help us with that by having a hound and joining us. | | Estonian Sighthound Union works with the help of its members - without them, the Union is nothing. We are flexible and peaceful organisation for people who share the hobby. We try to help all the sighthound owners with their problems and defending their rights. We organise for our members speciality shows, lure coursing events and seminars - information about upcoming events is displayed in the Events section. If you wish to help us with organizatory work, please let us know - all active members are warmly welcome. To achieve our goals, we are the members of Estonian Kennel Union and represent there all the sighthound breeds. Our home page is currently under reconstruction. Please be patient with it :). You are, however, already welcome to register as a member - this is only way to get access to some information and to be able to write in forum | |